Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Signature Analysis

    Signature is your Identity. In olden days when the rate of literacy was very low, thumb impressions were taken instead of Signatures. Gradually when the importance of education grew, people from the smaller villages also began to sign the documents. Signature is an integral part of our life. Today digital signatures are more in use, yet the importance of traditional signatures cannot be denied. A person’s behavioral characteristic, his/her habit and temperament can be judged from his/her signature. Come; let’s learn more about the relationship between you and your signature.

    We start using signature right from our school days. Later we use signatures in college, universities, competitive exams, in our professional career and when we hold responsible posts. When we were kids, we were very much excited about signing anywhere and everywhere.   But as we grow up and as we become smart, most of us change our signature which becomes our permanent signature. Right from bank form to bank cheques we need to sign on various documents. So, what exactly do we mean by signature? In normal terms it is a name written by the person himself. There can be many people with the same name around the world. However, their signatures are different, each signature. It is a known fact that each individual differs from the other either in personality or behavior. You can find people with similar names around the world. Names can be similar but their signatures differ.

    Signature reflects the behavior of a person. Fans flock to get the signatures of talented celebrities, artists, writers. People who draw the first letter little bigger while signing are extraordinarily talented. The work undertaken by them is accomplished with precision. If the first letter is slightly bigger and the subsequent letters are short and beautiful the person achieves his/her goal slowly and gradually. It is said these people earn more comfort. People whose signatures are artistic and attractive are very creative. They are more inclined to do any work in the field of arts. Many artists change their signature after a period of time. Why?  The answer is hidden in the strokes of your signature.

Signature Analyst

Mr. Pankaj Baviskar : 9833274447


1 comment:

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