Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Change Your Signature Change Your Life

    We are talking about different types of signature. In our last article we spoke about Wide, Small and Pointed Signature. We also learnt nature and personality according to their  signature. Further we are going to see more types of signature also you will understand how your signature should be. Let's see some more examples.

    Flowing signature is one where you don't lift your hand unless you complete your signature. This people are very much optimistic. This people won't stop due to any hurdles in their life, they just continue their journey. They like to grow their network, they themselves get introduced with many people and also they establish good relationship with them. This people are not so foody, they are very simple down to earth personality. This people easily adjust themselves in any situation.

    This people bloom or achieve success in Project Execution, Travel, Second Management.

    The signature about which we are going to talk now is totally opposite of above signature. In this signature you can see full stop after every letter and even after complete signature. This people like to stay bit away from others. They keep distance from friends and family.

    This people like to focus on one work at a time unless and until they are done with one task, they don't get involved in other. This people are well organised. They like to keep things at their place. This people are not that ambitious. They are satisfied in what they have. People who put full stop at the end of the signature are very much satisfactory about everything.

    Now this signature is Artistic Signature. A simple word is also written in a very creative way. Their strokes are mind-blowing. This people have very unique attitude than others but this people are too emotional. They get hurt easily. This people are so moody. Sometimes they are so happy while sometimes they are nervous. Their nature is unpredictable. In personal relationship it becomes difficult to understand them. This people needs to be taken care of. This people get name and fame in field of Art.

    Till now we have seen so many examples from that now whenever you will see any signature, you will get an quick idea about that person and his or her nature but is this our motive to just make you  understand people and their nature???  Definitely Not! We are here to guide you and help you to make proper changes in your signature so that you can easily cross hurdles in your life and achieve success.

    You can achieve anything and everything you want in your life just by giving proper instructions to your subconscious mind through your signature.

    Come then let's take first step towards understanding your signature and make few proper changes in it.

Signature Analyst

Pankaj Bawiskar : 9833274447


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